About Sheepdog

Hi! I’m Eric Asche. I design and make the goods for Sheepdog. I’ve been working in some form of woodworking/design/carpentry for over a decade now. It’s been a journey to get here.

It started, as many things do, in a garage. With some tools I borrowed from my dad, I started making some tables, shelves, and wall-hung art. A passion developed and it drove me back to school to absorb everything I could about designing and making stuff. The more I learned, the more I wanted to know.

Upon earning a degree in three-dimensional design, I moved out to Maine to learn from some of the best at The Center for Furniture Craftsmanship. I spent a year at the CFC working under the tutelage of some incredible makers from around the globe.

The drive that took me from my garage, back to school, out to Maine, and finally here to Colorado is the same drive that powers Sheepdog day in and day out. We have a deep motivation to learn something new every time we step foot in the shop. We aim to make original stuff and to do it well. We love turning an idea into a real, tangible thing that functions and brings a little added value to life. We embrace the challenge of making custom, one-off pieces, and we’re always developing new things to add to the collection.

Thanks for connecting with us. If you think we can help you in any way, or you just want to chat - give me a call or schedule a time to swing by the shop to connect in real life!
